financial services

An experienced non-executive director, trustee, advisor and governor with current and former positions in the private and not for profit sectors, across wealth and asset management, fintech and healthcare. A holder of the FT Board Director Diploma, with a strong grasp of governance and the required behaviours of a successful non-exec.
Sector-specific skills & expertise
Two decades of direct to consumer experience in Wealth Management, including two years in a dealing room during the tech boom, give an unprecedented insight into the potentially extreme behaviours and expectations of consumers, along with their vulnerabilities, vital to meet the needs of a Consumer Duty Champion in wealth or asset management.
In-depth knowledge of risks and opportunities of digital disruption from NED and Board Advisory work in peer-to-peer lending and wealth tech, coupled with an appreciation of the fine line between wealthtech and personal service.
Experience of the retail distribution chain, from asset management to retail consumers, via intermediaries gives extensive understanding of the target market for fintech firms focussed on retail clients or their service providers, and the challenges and drivers behind the adoption of fintech.
Incoming ESG regulation specialist having chaired a wealth management forum for Octo Members on the FCA’s discussion paper on SDR and labelling and the TISA Responsible and Sustainable Investment Working Group on the consultation paper, providing feedback directly to the FCA in both cases.
All sector expertise
A purpose-driven view of culture, and ESG at the company level, including the commitments required to achieve BCorp Accreditation across all stakeholders from employees and customers to the environment and local community, along with culture’s links to cyber resilience.
Broad spectrum of risk experience, including regulatory, ESG, cyber and conduct risk and Audit & Risk committee experience in an NHS Trust with £1.8bn turnover and 22,000 staff.
Wide-ranging knowledge of data & technology, from its ability to get MI to tell the story you don’t know to applications in financial services of emerging technologies such as AI or Open Finance.
Georgina Mitchell
“The FintechNorth community has benefitted from Georgina’s support…Her more traditional financial services background brings a different perspective and her contacts have helped extend our reach beyond the tech community”
The FintechNorth community has benefitted from Georgina’s support and she has spoken at our events on topics as wide ranging as women in fintech, alternative lending and ESG in the savings market. Her more traditional financial services background brings a different perspective and her contacts have helped extend our reach beyond the tech community.
Chris Sier, Chairman, Fintech North and HM Treasury’s Fintech Envoy
Georgina’s in depth knowledge of the wealth management market has been invaluable in refining our offering. She constructively challenged our understanding of the target market, our product development roadmap and our sales and marketing strategy, all in a manner resembling a casual conversation that belied the structure underneath. She has helped redefine our long term strategy, giving it renewed focus, and the operational process required to best support that strategy. After only three months, these changes are already making their mark on the business.
David Joyce, CEO, Crealogix MBA
We brought Georgina onboard because we needed to strengthen and diversify our governance. Her input has led to a more structured approach to our activities, including strategic planning and treasury management. The transition has not always been easy, but trustees feel better informed through training Georgina arranged and better placed to challenge the executive team as a result.
Liz Jones, Chair, Harrogate Neighbours Housing Association
Georgina has been a fantastic addition to our Governing body and we have welcomed the constructive challenge that she brings. One of her greatest contributions has been her network of contacts; from finding a black British Airways pilot to provide an aspirational role model for our multicultural school community to sourcing electronic devices for low-income families when pupils started to work from home during the pandemic, her commitment to the role and what she can achieve in a couple of phone calls has never ceased to amaze me.
Andrea Riley, Co-head teacher, Castleton Primary School
Georgina brought a wealth of knowledge about investment management that has strengthened the Board’s understanding of how best to manage its assets and ensure the sustainability of the charitable foundation for future generations. The little ideas also added significant value, such as how to strengthen our cyber security defences and the importance of considering inclusion as well as diversity.
John Woodward, Chairman, The Leeds Grammar School and Leeds Girls’ High School Foundation
Useful Links and News
Fintech North: The Future of Savings
Crealogix: What keeps leaders awake at night
A couple of articles I’ve done for the YP on FinTech and being a NED: